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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Golden Rule Fail

Our kids usually get along pretty well.  They play together well and are pretty nice to each other.  Like most siblings, however, they sometimes fight.  We had been trying to come up with ways of helping them understand that you can't do something to someone, and then get upset when they do something back.

Teaching them the Golden Rule seemed like a good idea, so we started saying it together before bed every night when we say our family motto.  After a few days they just about had it memorized.  We also had some discussions on what it means to 'do unto others as you would have others do unto you.'
A couple weeks later, G. and R. were playing in the living room together.  They both wanted the same toy and a struggle ensued where the strongest grip and yank won.  The boy that lost the battle vented his frustration by yelling and giving the other boy a good hard whack with his fist.  My wife, who overheard the whole exchange in the next room, reminded them that we need to treat each other the way we want them to treat us.  There was a long pause, then Karen heard:

"Hold still. Now I get to hit you."

.....We are still working on that one.

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