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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Together We Can Do Hard Things

Throughout our lives everyone has times where they feel like they are struggling and have no way out.  Whether it be job loss, financial problems, trouble with school, relationship problems, or countless other situations we may find ourselves in, sometimes life is just hard.  Through our almost ten years of marriage, my wife and I have been through a lot of difficult situations.  A few of them were more difficult than we ever imagined possible.  There are two reasons we survived.  When times were hard, we turned to each other, and we relied on God.
Now as parents, trying to teach our children how to deal with difficulties in life has, itself, proven to be a difficulty.  The phrase 'Together We Can Do Hard Things' became our family motto a few months ago.  We say it together every night before the kids go to bed.  We want our children to accept the challenges they face in life, and learn how to work as part of a team.  But more important than that, we want them to know that when they have to do something hard, regardless of the level of difficulty, they never have to act alone.  Even when we are alone physically, the love and support we feel at home can travel with us, and we can always ask for help from above.  So even when we are alone, we can always be working 'together'.
This blog will share some of our goals and experiences as a family, and how we attempt to accomplish them.

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